HubPages Lis Recommmends Making Money Online Passive Income

Hubpages 3 Years On

On the 19th of September 2007 I published my first hub – it was short, it was self-promotional – the url was wrong  for SEO. Over 3 years it has gained a total of 1143 page views – almost all of which are from search engines. It may have made me some money – I doubt it – but I don’t know, I didn’t track that hub 🙂 The hub was about midlife travel. That month my total online income was  $1.98

One of my most recent hubs was about the chances of a Wellington earthquake . It was indexed within a few hours – I expect it will have PR on the next update – I’ve built no links to it.  In August my online income from passive sources was $1600.

When I started on Hubpages – I had two  sites – I had made next to nothing (like less than $10 nothing) – I was newly a full-time “Internet Marketer” and I was going to making a good income my Xmas… This was long,  long before Keyword Academy, I don’t think I would have survived long enough to get to The Keyword Academy – if it hadn’t been for HubPages

What HubPages Has Done for Me

  • It taught me what a buying keyword was .
  • It was the first place that anyone ever read anything that I wrote – I sat up all night watching 100’s arrive to read a hub someone had stumbled for me, then I learnt that stumble traffic doesn’t click.
  • It made me realise that I really did want to make money online – that I wasn’t interested in writing for the sake of it (well that’s my justification for spending so many hours on the forums arguing about it).
  • HubPages prompted me to start this blog – I started wanted to write in a format which didn’t quite work with HubPages.
  • HubPages made me realise that a lot of other revenue sharing sites have what to me are “obvious” flaws – some of those sites are struggling or are gone now.
  • It taught me that you really can make passive income – I have hubs published in November 2009 which still make me money each and every day – all I do with them and go back and delete broken links from time to time.
  • It taught me that you can make even better money from referrals – yup ever hub link on this page is a referral – those 10%’s do add up…
  • Hubpages made my dream of making a living online a reality.

Top 5 Reasons Why Hubpages Works

  • Authority – because the site has built a self-policing community spammers are flagged and shut down quickly. New users find it takes a time for their hubs to be indexed and ranked – there is a reason for that – what is published and indexed are generally pretty good quality. This has meant that pretty consistently Google has trusted HubPages – I’d say even more so in the last 6 months.
  • Internal linking. Some sites seem to get it right – and you can tell because it means that good content, or content from trusted authors, should be indexed fast and get PR easily. Both happen on HubPages and has for ever as far as I am concerned.
  • Strong “hints” from management as to what to write about. You could do a lot worse as a new writer by entering the “contests” and challenges that they often run. The topics are not chosen randomly – some of my successful hubs were topics suggested by HubPages themselves.
  • Diverse content – because of the diversity in the writers at Hubpages there is a huge range of content (check out the latest hubs feed) – some of its completely non-commercial in the traditional sense – you don’t see that on many other revenue sharing sites.  I suspect that it gives them “trust points” with Google because the ONLY purpose of the site is not to make money – any writer can produce content with no ads on it – if they chose. You can’t do that on Ezinearticles for example.
  • Self Policing community. In recent months there has been the addition of many factors which allows writers  to rank other hubbers and hubs with “accolades” not just a general vote up/down (which has been there since the start). I suspect that those accolades add to a hub’s hubscore. Higher hubscores means that the hub gets more internal links both automatically (best hubs in categories for example) and both by showing high on the list for “suggested links” tools where other hubs may link to the hub with a contextural link.

If you are interested in more details on how I use HubPages to make passive income then check out my HubPages my make money with HubPages series

Top 6 Reasons Why I Recommend HubPages

  • Its easier to rank a hub than a page on your website – its faster, it stays ranked and you will get useful statistics that will tell you what works and what doesn’t (particularly actual CPC and CTR).  This advantage well over-rate the revenue split IMHO.
  • If you study what is being suggested as far as topics are concerned you won’t go far wrong with SEO.
  • It’s free – there is no cost whatsoever to try out your idea.  If it works you can always launch your own site – and you already have the back links available…
  • It works stunningly well for recent event blogging and for events that haven’t happened yet (hint earthquakes…). The authority of the site means that the hubs get indexed instantly – the search traffic will then tell you what the search terms are…
  • My  public persona’s profile page is a PR3 and routinely gets new sites indexed for me – do you know how hard it is to get a site with a consistent PR3 which you can put any link on that you want…
  • I am confident that the site has a long future ahead of it – the people behind it are well-connected in Silicon Valley and I’ve seen the staff expand from 3 to 20 and to continually improve the site for both writers and advertisers.

So do you write for hubpages? If not why not …

52 replies on “Hubpages 3 Years On”

Wow, that’s a nice bit of income. How consistently do you create hubs? I have a few hubs and they have made me some change but i was and still am mainly concerned with SEO. A couple links yielded a pr2, not bad. One is a ipad lens and the other is a humor hub.

I am utterly inconsistent with making hubs! I’ve published 6 in the last month as Lissie – the one before that – February! Once you have 20 or 30 in an account getting at least some traffic you can ignore the account for months and your scores won’t drop much. Obviously the more hubs you have and the older they are the more ikely you are to make consistent money though!

Thanks for this post. I am still waiting for the $ to come in on HubPages – nada! I do LOVE the diversity that I did not get with eHow. I enjoy it so far, the community is great. I am just hoping something will kick in soon! I don’t know exactly how those referrals you mention work – have a good Hub on this?

At the bottom of each page on hubpages there is a create link button (in the footer) – you use your own unique code in the link (like the one’s on this hub – my code is ehs) – if someone clicks thru and then signs up with hubpages you get 10% of the ad impressions of their hubs (from the HP part of the revenue).

How many hubs have you got and how long have they been up?

right at the very, very bottom in the gray footer no one notices it says hubpages, about us …. “link to this page” So I could be recommending someone else’s hub – but still use my tracker in the link so that if the reader signs up I get the credit.

You might want to check out my ex-hub about how to maximize your hubpages Adsense revenue too. Even as a hub which was well written and appealing the MMO mob who are notorious for not clicking on the ads – it used to get about a 2%CLR – for normal topics is more like 10% !

If I was you I’d be flogging it to your readers on your Inspired to Write – it is after a writers site … 80% of people who sign up under you won’t do I thing 10% will do a couple of hubs and nothing more – the others though …

Hey Lis, great post and I agree 100% with HubPages. It’s an awesome place, and probably my only issue is that I need to be more consistent in making new hubs to increase my income! I’ve found the same thing as you with affiliates. It’s great how affiliate sign ups and your 10% cut can really help the income levels, but 80% of sign ups will never do anything, most others will only dabble, but that 2-5% who actually start churning them out – it’s an awesome thing to watch!

I am flogging at the moment Hubpages on my main blog, one thing I observed is that a lot of people sign up, a few of those publish one or two hubs and the others nada. I think last time I gave Hubpages a bit of publicity on my blog the ratio was something like: 20 signups, 1 published over 5 hubs, none published over 10 hubs, the rest between 0 and 5 hubs. The main problem in this MMO game is to get people to actually do some work and stop whining that they don’t earn anything! To put it harsh, and I think Lissie will agree with me there: In order to make money from Hubpages, you need to publish hubs! SY

Yeah its unfortunate that he checks don’t rain in just for signing up – its a real disappointment that you need to do work to make money online don’t you agree SY?


I was just about to start making hubpages but there was a post at TKA about hubpages frowning upon backlinking.

What do you think about this? Do you use back links to promote your hubs or just internal links at hubpages?


Colin that’s one of the reasons that I wrote this – as someone said “the sky is falling” again. I use backlinks to promote hubs when I need to! Always have – but sometimes I don’t actually need to.

Thats good to hear and also to read down the page that you know peopl who make a nice income from HP.

I like the look and feel of HP and would like to make some money from it. I think I may make some HPs with intent to sell a and some about my hobbies for the sake of it.

When you do link back to hubs what strategies do you use if you don’t mind me asking?

$1,600 beans is a lot of dough if it is coming solely from Hubpages, Lis. I must say…I am impressed.

I only have one hub that I also built a few years ago. I’ve always planned to do many more but I never get to it for some reason. I really need to. Thanks for prompting me to do so with this post!

Appalling Trent – remember to use my link if you decide to acutally publish anything LOL – is that a new blog I see in the link…

I admit that I have signed up for hubpages but am yet to publish one hub yet. Right now I am trying to focus on the more than 50 domains names I have and try to get them at least up with some content. (I went way overboard buying domains & now I don’t want to drop any of them). I am planning on using hubpages in the near future though to help with backlinks and the extra revenue you get from the hubs helps as well.

LOL Tiffany – know the feeling – and then every year you have the problem will it stay or will it go with the registration!

Thansk for the quality write up on HubPages – I always need a good reminder of the benefits of this site as I always seem to forget about it in the grand scheme of things. And I agree… 1600 from HP is pretty darned good for sporadic Hub publishing.

If you don’t mind the question I’m wondering how many hubs (roughly) you have in all personas to accumulate 1600/month.

Brian I have a total of 254 hubs at the moment including the 133 hubs in my Lissie persona. As I said to Leo I make about $800/month with HP (mainly Adsense and affiliates, because I am pretty drap at Amazon and eBay). I know plenty of people who make thousands a month on hubpages and have done for a long time. That’s one thing I really like about it – its a pretty consistent income.

Thanks for the added info – I’ve got 10 hubs up in about 9 months and have been thinking about increasing my time there – reading through your comments above it’s good to see that you haven’t even needed to heavily promote many of your hubs to achieve these results. That really makes things a lot simpler.

Hi Lis – I’m really glad to hear HubPages is working for you. I think your post does a nice job of representing what we are about. There are a few new things (won’t spill the beans yet) that will becoming out soon that I think will help people become more successful.

One of the things we want to accomplish with HubPages is helping people earn a meaningful income (more coming here as well). A big piece of that is people learning how evergreen content works for them over time. Niche topics and consistent writing does pay off.

Congrats on your success and we wish you more in your future.

CEO and Founder of

Thanks Paul! Pretty cool that you guys aren’t so big that you don’t still check out the little blogs 🙂 Looking forward to the new features!

We have always treated backlinks as an important part of SEO and driving traffic to the domain. We also always promote backlinking in an ethical manner that is respectful of other properties.

HubPages works to increase links to the site for the benefit of our authors as well. We have just hired a full time PR person who will be working with media and analyst, we have several ways to share links on HubPages. We also structure HubPages in a way to provide internal links to content and provide tools like the linking tool to help with cross linking hubs in the text.

Paul, then I suggest that you re-word the article in the learning center, as it is frightening people / newbies off from back linking at all. Try to read said article with the eyes / mind of a person who is completely new to SEO and the like, SY

I agree with Hospitalera Paul this thread has scared quite a number of people – who now think that even using a guest post or an article directory pointing to HP will see them banned. It doesn’t help that saying 150 links to a hub is excessive – I can get one blogroll and generate more links than that before breakfast 🙂

Exactly Lis, I use my Hub RSS feed on a couple of my own sites and that generates a theoretical ‘several hundred’ links to my hub. Anybody that is since more then a couple of months in the SEO / IM game will know that Google only values them as one, strong, vote from one site. Add to this the occasional comment from a dofollow blog with anchored keywords (like I am doing it here) and you have a suspicious link profile (at least in the eyes of Hubpages) without doing anything out of the ordinary. Oh, and also remember that Hubpages itself provides you with a RSS widget to display on your own site / blog …. SY


I am where you started right now, or should I say not even there. I have to start on hub pages, I feel little intimidated to start. You inspired me, I am going to look back on your site to see, if I can find a guide to hubpages and start.


I already found and started to read, I have done EZA, but hubpages looks bit different, you have to write a long article and provide links in the body?

I have not set up adsense either as when Grizz and others got punished by google, I got scared and never started with it. I am new, just started around april, may of this year, so much to learn.

Hey Lis. I have only started to use Hubpages seriously this summer. My findings will come later down the road. I pay close attention to what you say and write about the use of Hubpages. I am on a journey to 100 Hubs right now. I’m using a pen name identity of course. I am working on each Hub and trying to optimize and backlink properly. I’m writing Hubs that mostly have decent paying adsense and related Amazon products. I rarely publish a hub that does not include both.

I use Postrunner for my backlinks as well as a few other sources. I have a couple of new hubs since May that I have placed on Google page 1 with only Postrunner links. These are lower level keywords with tons of related keywords that have products and good adsense potential. In the case of one, I have recently jumped over a site with the exact keyword in their url.

I think hubpages are an excellent way to test a niche but I don’t think I would ever place all of my eggs in their basket. Thanks for a great case study on Hubpages.

Good to know hubpages is working for someone more experienced at it.

I attempted the hubpages challenge recently and published 77 hubs in 30 days (over 2 accounts), I got a dollar or 2 from adsense and affiliate and was impressed, it took me 9 months to get a similar amount on my own website. It’s much more encouraging for a newbie to see that then 6-9 months of adsense income: $0.00

Hubpages is good at subtly educating too, the evergreen content hints and such like.

Excellent overview and summary of Hubpages, Lis. I already write on Hubpages and it got me all excited to do more! Quick question: If someone signs up under you and starts writing, where will you see those earnings? Is there some way to track them in Analytics?

Thanks again for the great content!

Julie – if you have affiliates the only way to tell the income from them by it being the stuff you can’t account for – its frustrating!

I’m looking to do some article writing myself. For all sorts of reasons: make some passive income, build a presence, and hopefully provide some more traffic to my blog.

Why do you think that Hub Pages is better than eHow or InfoBarrel?

I have no experience with eHow Eugene – they don’t take non-Americans. Infobarrel has really poor CLR and has been having issues getting pages indexed recently

Thanks for this post, Lis. I’ve been thinking of revisiting HubPages and your post was just what I needed. No more thinking…it’s time for me to start writing!

1143 page views in 3 years doesn’t look encouraging for folks who are presently entertaining the idea of making money online using HubPages but since it was your first hub, I’m guessing that the hubs that followed are doing better in terms of traffic and generating better income 😉

Hey just wanted to add my 2 cents to the HubPages discussion since you know that I have been publishing there for about 16 months now. Everything you have said on this post is absolutely true. It does take some work but consistent publishing will ultimately result in improving earnings. I started out slow and have learned more and more over these past 16 months. I finally had a day of earning just over $10 on AdSense. In the next 6 months, I would expect to be earning over $100 per month on AdSense. And I finally got a few sign-ups which will help add to and multiply my efforts. I would encourage everyone to give it a try and stick with it since the effort is worth it.

You are on to it kidgas – at the end of the day – if you just take action you will almost certainly make money than if you worry about weather hubpages works or not LOL

It is an interesting post. I was wondering how Triond (similar to hubpages) would perform when compared with hubpages ? I need opinion here :D.

@Paul I don’t know haven’t tried Triond – why don’t you try both on similar topics and let us know?

As with the many others who gave their .02 about HP, I concur that it is a great way to express your knowledge in an area (or areas) while earning a bit of passive income. I have been a HP member since late 2007 and have earned a somewhat decent amount of money – all of which is Adsense – since then. I find it interesting that although I have not written anything new in several months my overall rating is still fairly high. By the way, this post is the kick in the pants I need to get back on HP…I have an idea for a new article.

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