Now those of you who live in the other hemisphere might not realise that the Australians and New Zealanders get a bit competitive with each other – like its OK so long as the Kiwis win – of course – so the Ozzie chick’s update on her book sales has me kinda bummed – she won 🙁 – but not by much and there will be a comeback!
Also I was really, really busy last month:

So what happened while I ignore my sites and my outsourcer added some low value BMR links links to them? (I did do some random blog commenting as well, but not much).
Books sold:
- Smashwords 1 (5 in July);
- Amazon US 16 copies (9 in July)
- Amazon UK 3 copies (0 in July)
Nothing exciting about my affiliate sales through the site – but as the sales are spread out through the month I have hope that some of these are “real sales” ie to strangers! Especially as the Smashwords sales collapsed (real people buy through Amazon not some website they never heard of). Mind you I might have sold zillions through Barnes and Noble and iBooks as I was approved for Smashwords “premium” distribution so my books are apparently available through places that I’m not even allowed to buy as a Kiwi LOL!
So apart from coming second to an Ozzie I am pretty happy with sales.
Now if I could just get my arse sat down to write the next four books! I think I had post-holiday (vacation) blues! I’ve been back a week and written less on my forthcoming Thailand travel books than I did when I was on the beach in flipping Thailand! Well I have it all planned -the outline is even written down – now I just have to fill the gaps in!
While I haven’t been doing (enough) actual writing – I have been thinking about this new thing called marketing – but luckily I don’t have to think about it anymore because James over at TheAverageGenius – just released a free report on how to do all this marketing stuff . Yes there is something you have to do to get it – which is part of the plan – and yes this is like real information from someone who has actually done it – not just some stuff he read somewhere, re-written. Oh and its quite long – and its not in 33 pitch font so there is some reading to do. Oh yeah, and James, sorry about declining your request for guest posting here – but I really don’t do guest posts – my readers would flee in droves if I published anything more regularly than twice a month!
15 replies on “Second Month’s Sales: Indie Travel Book”
We’re in competition? Good grief I’m bound to lose then overall, I crumble and hide when challenged. Probably why I never became a sports star. Either that, or I was more interested in watching the boys swim team than actually participating. 😉
Actually I think you did fantastic! You doubled sales at Amazon which considering you were ‘researching’ last month is a phenomenal increase.
Maybe I need to do some ‘research’ as well. Except I’m not sure how I can convince the tax man that it will have anything to do with personal finance books. oh well. 😉
Hmm retirement abroad to warm places, how to manage your finances while retired to … LOL I am not at all competitive – I actually believed that for many, many years – because I hate most sports – then my dance teacher asked if I wasn’t competitive why did he never hear the end of it when we didn’t win LOL. You’re off the hook unless you beat us in the World Cup OK?
You know you really do have to get your arse into gear to finish those other books – because you have customers waiting 😉
Now that is seriously scary! OK I’m doing nothing this weekend but write OK Ruth!
Those are great results Lis. Congrats!
I’m too ashamed of mine to even write a post on it in my own blog – a paltry 1 sale LOL!
I sort of remember the Aussie/Kiwi rivalry from when I was at school in Sydney. There was an amazing girl in my class from NZ who could outrun everyone in the school over long distance. That included the boys! A lot of the girls in the class were insanely jealous of her, while all the boys wanted to be her boyfriend (life was tough when I was 11 hahahaha!).
Ok, I changed the subject… Time to get writing and start pumping out the books I promised myself I would. Maybe I could write a novel and base it on my own childhood… mmm…
LOL Terry – From Australia to Spain via England – could be a catchy title …
PS: One of my friends in that class in Oz was called Michael Jackson – I kid you not! Don’t think he had much of an interest in music though…
Is there a difference between a Kiwi and an Ozzie… 😉 Just asking…
Yep, there is a difference, about 2 degrees of latitude 😀
Rhys has got it – Griz -its pretty much the same difference as dancing and golf …
Good job you! Your book presents really well. Budget travel is a great category that is sadly lacking on Kindle imho. I’m at approximately 10 sales per day on month 5 (kindle only) and averaging a 95% increase per month. The light at the end of this tunnel is bright. Write more books and they will help sell each other. Those product tags really help. I confirmed yours for you. I’ve seen them in action. People have a herd mentality, so get a few friends and lovers to write a few more glowing reviews for you and watch those “on the fence” buyers turn into sales! Good luck in September.
Thanks Connie – yeah I’ve heard lots about product tags – I’m a bit nervous of this whole you tag mine I’ll tag yours thing going around some writer’s forums – obvious gaming of the system tends not to last very long – in my experience anyways!
I completely agree with you. Those tags really help readers find you and many authors don’t bother to put them in. Confirming them just means you agree that the tags match the book’s subject.
How did you enjoy doing research as that place looks absolutely gorgeous? How was the weather there? I’ve never been to Thailand but now that I’ve seen this picture I really want to.
LOL Rachel – the weather in Thailand – perfect – well sometimes it rains – but who cares when in its still 30C ! There are some better pictures over on my Travel Tips blog