Hmm, looks like although I’ve used Chris Guillebeau’s approach to planning before, I’ve not actually blogged about it! I don’t have a lot of time for most “self improvement” blogs, and I first noted Chris’s site because he has, what I still think is, a stupid idea of visiting every country in the world. Really, I love to travel, but there are number of countries that I’ve never wanted to visit, so why spend money going there? Anyway I like his writing and his goal setting is quite unusual. This is part 1 – looking back, check back in a few days for when I’ve actually figured out my New Year’s goals!
Anyway – this is the easy part of the process: looking back: Pretty much I’m looking at health, travel, business, in that order, because that’s probably what matters.

What Went Well in 2011
- Frankly I was kinda worried about reaching that “certain age” that women get to. I had heard so many bad things about menopause. Well I’ve reached it, and what happened? For the first time since I was 20 I’m not popping a daily pill, had the odd weird dream, woke up hot a couple of times. End of story. Really. Sorry guys, but the girls need to know, it doesn’t have to be bad!
- We started off the year enjoying the snow in Europe, and coming back via KL for a few days of heat. Later, we had a great three week break in Phuket and Koh Samui, Thailand in August. The low-cost airline war has finally hotted up big time for New Zealand with heavy airfare discounting to South-East Asia.
- I bought a Kindle
and discovered Indie Non Fiction.
- I published my first book: Vacation Packing List: Save Your Back, Time and Money.
- I became a Z-List Blogger, complete with a Manifesto and decided to lose my insecurities and to start chasing my winners as far as making money is concerned.
What Did Not Go Well in 2011
- My partner had on-going knee issues for the most of the year, which meant, for the first, time we had to pull out 1/2 way through a competition we’d entered in September. The net result was predictable: my weight went up – by how much I don’t really want to know. I don’t have any other exercise that I really enjoy – so when we are not dancing the weight goes on!
- I have seen more of South America than I have of New Zealand. We decided to go to Northland before Christmas, I’d never been there, and my partner taught there a long, long time ago. It started off OK, but then the rain set in. If it rains in most parts of the world, there are alternatives. With due regard to the NZ tourism industry- you don’t go to Northland for the museuems! We came home early. And about it being the tropical north ? No, its not, if you can’t swim without a wetsuit in December, its not tropical, its a marketing lie!
- Hubpages – I think I’ve said enough on that topic!
- Partly because of HubPages and partly because I lack focus and am the Queen of Procrastination, my advertising income has basically flat-lined this year. As I fired my last freelance client in August – that means that I am currently sat looking at my lowest bank account balance for years!
Overall its been a frustrating year – financially I’m looking at a hole in April unless I can up my income quickly to pay my taxes. I have some hope with that as several of my Adsense niches are strongly seasonal, I think, as this is the first year I get to see the pattern!
Looking forward? Well that’s my next post! Haven’t figured out the details yet – but I’m reading, or re-reading these books which I’m finding helpful:
7 replies on “2011 Review Looking Back”
2012 is bound to be better! I think 2011 was a bit hit and miss for most of us.
t xx
Yeah that’s definitely true Tracey! Hope you are having a great break!
Like Tracey, I am convinced that 2012 has be better! Sorry to hear about your partners health problems. As for losing weight, try a dog 😉 Since we have Sam, the hyper Labrador mix, hubby and I lost a combined 30 kilos without dieting. Or you could just foster one / volunteer at your local shelter? My own goals for 2012 are still not well defined, but I know that I have to stop putting things off and trying too much new stuff and actually writing more for my own sites. So, yes, over the last days of this year I will need to make balance on which sites I want to work on and which ones to drop forever …
Trust me – this post was easy to write – the next one is challenging – the bit about goals – which ones to leave out that is!
The hyper-lab sounds like a good diet machine! We have a part-time hyper-terrier who comes visits when mum and dad travel! But I dogs are a pain when you want to travel!
And hear you totally about which sites to drop!
I agree about the menopause not being a big deal.
I used to work with a woman about 10 years older than me who went whacko when she went through the Big M. She was actually fired for trying to beat up her boss. It had me terrified to go through menopause but I have been going through it a few years now and my only side effects are it’s harder to lose weight and I don’t fall asleep as easy as I used to.
Dancing sounds fun. I’m thinking of trying Zumba to get some exercise. I’m like you. I have to enjoy an exercise or I won’t do it.
The only way is UP Lissie.
Here is to an amazing 2012 for everyone. Off to read your next post now 😉
Nice that you could visit South America, beautiful places to visit!
I don’t have much properties on Hubpages. I prefer owning my own niche sites and have more control and ownsership. I could sell some on if I need cash out.