Freelance Writing Market The Book Self Publishing

Google Authorship – Why It Matters to Freelancer Writers and Authors

So why the hell should you care? You’re a writer, an author or a freelancer, and the question is – where’s your Google Plus profile. The answer is usually like:

I have too many effing social media profiles already!

Which misses the point. Entirely. But let me backup –

What Is Google authorship?



The little picture in some search results – I’m sure you’ve noticed. Google rolled it out in 2011, although the relevant patent was applied for as far back as 2005. I think of authorship as a digital byline combined with an ID check.

Does the picture matter? Somewhat.  Testing, and common sense suggest that readers presented with a screen of Google results are more likely to click the results with head shots next to them, or as the SEO geeks would say:

authorship images in the SERPS enhance click-through rates.

But it’s a lot bigger than that. Authorship is potentially the biggest thing to hit the SEO game since Google invented page rank – back in the dark ages. And even if you are not a SEO – if you are writing for a living either your work or as a pen for hire, you’d be wise to pay attention.

The Anonymous Web Is A Nightmare For Google

Back in the old days, I used to manipulate the search results. I would  research topics which pays well on Adsense e.g. payday loans or sells a product eg. GPS for travellers. I’d buy a lot  of cheap articles  and create a website. It worked. I didn’t make as much money as some, but I made a living. I wasn’t a spammer, or a plagiarist, the content I had written by humans, was unique and made sense (mostly). It just wasn’t very, hmmm compelling. That’s what you get for 1c/word. The thing is Google is an algorithm,  and for a computer it’s extremely difficult to tell the difference between this:

Payday loans are useful if you need money before payday. In order to find a payday loan you should search on the Google and find a website that offers payday loans. Then you will need to enter in your name and address into the payday loans site. You will need to ensure that your name and address match your social security and driver’s license details. Once the lender has scrutinized your application they will avail you with the requested sum. The funds will help you bridge the gap until payday comes around again.

and this

Payday loan providers  are  one step removed from loan sharks. Traditionally run out of a shop-front in a low-rent neighbourhood,  payday loans are now available online, from the privacy of your own home. One thing hasn’t changed though, this type of lending is risky; so you,  the borrower, are  going to pay a very high interest rate. Payday loans have their place, but use them sparingly and consider other ways to bridge the gap between your income and expenses.

You and I know the difference between those two paragraphs, but it’s very hard to explain that difference to a computer. Enter the social web. Instead of designing a very, very clever computer algorithm – you just put it to the public vote – more tweets, more Facebook mentions, more comments, the content must be more “compelling”.

No problem for us SEOs though, $5 on will buy you as many retweets, Facebook pals, and adoring fans leaving insightful comments, than you could ever need.

Google needed access to the data on the social sharing sites to weed out the $5 gigs and real people sharing content. Google doesn’t own Facebook or Twitter. They needed their own social network, which they controlled.

Enter Google Plus. Now Google Plus has taken a while to take off – but it’s number of users is now second only to Facebook. That’s somewhat inflated because everyone who needs a Google account to use gmail or gdocs, gets a profile. But still it’s impressive. Plus it’s a lot harder to game, it’s harder to buy google plus fake IDs and fake followers.

Now Google has taken it one step further.

Google Author Rank – Benefits for Authors and Freelancers

Then they invented author rank – and everything changed. Author rank – is basically a byline – a link back to your Google plus profile. You can’t set up your profile without providing

  • your name 
  • your photo
  • linking your name to your sites

So now if you if you search for payday loans – you could theoretically – find my compelling, interesting article on the topic – with my smiling visage next to it. (Actually, you won’t. There are some topics you can’t pay me enough to write on, payday loans are one of them.)

However the important thing is that Google now has a real name (or under limited circumstances a pseudonym), associated with the article. They can track my articles, and they can analyse:

  • how many people have me in circles on Google plus (i.e. they follow me);
  • the number of times my articles are shared on Google plus
  • the authority of the site where my articles appear.

It seems likely that they can now give me a score. Ultimately, and remember this is early days so far,

the better my author rank, the more likely my article will rank  even if it’s published on a website I’ve never written for before.

Ranking an article based, in part, on it’s authorship rather than it’s publisher is HUGE.

So for a freelance writer, or any author promoting their own work, author rank becomes important.

As a freelancer, you can ask for a higher price for your work if the client wants you to use your Google authorship.

For an author, it’s a no-brainer, you want Google to relate all your web-writing to your profile. I’ve added my Amazon author pages to my Google plus profile as well, can’t hurt.

Plus for those who still worry about plagiarism, it’s likely a big step in making sure that sites that copy your work illegally, do not outrank you in the search results.

The Dark Side of Author Rank

Google loves real names. There are issues around that. The use of pen-names and pseudonyms has a long and legitimate history. Many people have very good reasons for remaining anonymous on-line, as they obscure their online life from  employers to crazy ex-spouses. If you write erotica on the side and write for a parenting website, you may want to use a different pen-name! Google authorship makes this difficult. 

It’s a two-way street. If your authorship is associated with a well-trusted website, then it’s probably a good thing for your author rank. However if the site is not trusted by Google, then it could work the other way, as well. Google has a long track record of destroying the innocent while pursuing the guilty. And they don’t do appeals. I noted on my Google plus profile that I can update sites to “not current’ when I no longer contribute to them. Whether that will help you if a good site goes bad,  only Google knows. 

Branding is almost impossible. I’d like to separate Lis the writer from Lis the on-line entrepreneur and Lis the whatever weird topic I’m freelancing on this week. Google plus doesn’t work like that. However, it also doesn’t work like Facebook. You don’t share everything on Google Plus with everyone. I can chose to share only articles about writing to the writing circles I have, and so on.

Google Authorship is new – and most freelancers don’t yet understand it, hence this article. Many clients will still want simply a ghost article to which they will apply their own name (and event their Google authorship). That’s all good. But increasingly freelancers are being asked to use their own profiles. I know I got one job at least partly because I had a reasonable following on Google Plus. 

Before you end up in that situation think about your strategy. 

More reading

How to setup Google Authorship on your website

Oh yeah – and circle me on Google Plus or join my  self-publishing community over there! 

Freelance Writing Online Business Paid Tools Product Reviews Tools

Need to Make Online Cash Now? Consider a Freelancing Business

superstar250Yup you read that right- if you are desperate to make an income right now. You have been told your job ends in two weeks and you don’t know how you will make next month’s mortgage repayments – then making passive income online won’t help you – yet.

I have been playing this website building game for two years – my income still fluctuates – I wrote that in July I had made $2000 online– I am yet to get past that approximate figure again – in fact my passive income was significantly down in October – but overall I was up because of a domain sale and some more freelance work. It swings-and-roundabouts – it doesn’t make me lose sleep at night. But it might – soon. My partner’s contract finishes at Christmas and we are moving back to New Zealand. My income suddenly becomes our only income – at least for a while – the pressure is definitely noticeable i.e. my partner now asks every month how I am doing LOL – see partners are interested when the money starts rolling in – or not!

So what do you do if you really,really need the income and you need it quickly? Well I’ve written about my Plan B previoulsy Another option is developing either a part or full time freelancing business.  Almost everyone has a skill they can sell online – be it writing, photography, designing websites, installing blogs. For a  lot of online beginners the skill is writing – we can all write right? So off you head to the usual forums or article writing content mills – and then you discover you are competing against people who will write a 400 word article for $1. You stop, you get depressed, you declare loudly to anyone who will listen that globalisation is evil, you can’t compete against the hoards of English-speakers living in third world countries writing for peanuts. You quit and get a job cleaning – well that’s what I did anyways. I found it all too hard and to be honest, I found that my writing skills were OK, but my procrastination skills were champion!

My friend Monika Mundell from sunny Queensland didn’t quit though. She kept on at it – she was desperate to get out of the hospitality industry with its Gordon Ramsey egos and unsociable hours. She persevered with freelance writing. She lives in Queensland, Australia – so a lot of the paying sites were not available to her (they don’t allow non-US-based writers). She had to find her own clients. And she is not an English native speaker. Two years later she is a successful online writer and internet marketer.

She has finally written the book Freelance SuperStar which explains how to reproduce her success. You just send $1000 to her email address and she will send you the secret to becoming a successful writer without doing any work…. OK sorry, not quite: bottom line this book a) costs money and b) will involve you doing a lot of work. Its also a step-by-step that anyone can use to launch a freelance business, if they do the work that is.

Freelance Superstar is focused on freelance writing – but you could use it get work in any related online field: programming, WordPress setup and customisation, SEO whatever. According to their own sales copy:

“The Freelance Superstar guide is a product aimed at new freelance writers and intermediate entrepreneurs who currently struggle to earn a decent income. The very affordable purchase price of USD 37 can easily be earned back if you follow my instructions in the guide. The idea is to start a business from scratch with little upfront expenses (You can get earning by spending less than $100 and this includes the guide).”

So what do you get for your US$37?

  • the 65 page eBook
  • WordPress templates for developing your own Portfolio site
  • email templates you can use to solicit for clients
  • sample writing agreements you can copy and use
  • step-by-step blogging video tutorials

This is review is only of the eBook – I have read the pre-release version of the ebook – but haven’t seen the other content. The images of the WordPress templates looked pretty cool though I imagine they would work just fine for anyone wanted to get started in business as soon as.

What I liked about the Freelance SuperStar eBook

  • nice clear layout of the ebook – type large enough to read easily but not so big I know you are artificially inflating the word count;
  • it focused on the important stuff: the chapter titled “Setting Up Your Office” had me worried – feng shui’ed interior design maybe, a quiet, private space as a pre-requisite to your business. Nope – a computer, an Internet connection, a chair and desk are nice to haves. Starting on the kitchen table is not a good reason not to start!;
  • from there on it got practical: from the basics: how to develop a develop writing samples, how to set up your own portfolio site, how to find a niche. how to set your rates. More advanced topics included are  how to manage clients, how to market your business, how to manage practical stuff like invoices, how to grow your business using outsourcing and other methods. Unless you are totally new to being online some of this will be known to you – but I found stuff I didn’t know. I partically like Monika’s practical approach to using  social media without it taking over your life.
  • review of 10 freelance bidding sites include pros/cons and costs involved- worth the price of the book alone in my opinion this could literally save you months of frustration of getting your business up and running. You can, and i have, spent days/weeks reading forum after forum trying to work out which site was best – here Monika has it all laid out in a few pages – value yoru time at $10/hour – you just justified the cost of this book!

What could have been improved

The book includes a 6 month road map chapter with steps to take each month to take your freelancing business from part-time to full-time. Now I liked the content – a lot. But I think the format could be jazzed up a bit – tick boxes, spaces to write notes of your own etc – this is the part of the book I think users should print out and post prominently above their kitchen table. Whether they succeed or fail is really up to following this time line – make it easy for them to do!

There are lots of the normal affiliate tools available – but no 125×125 banner and no non-gif banners? Easy to fix guys – please – not every site allows gifs you know and most blogs run 125 ads …

Who Should Buy Freelance Superstar

  • newcomers to online business who want/need to make several thousands of dollars a month within six months;
  • off-line writers who are trying to figure out what this online writing gig is all about and have just been made redundant from their local newspaper/magazine job;
  • students – journalism or otherwise who need to make a bit of cash on the side. Seriously this type of business is designed to fit the student lifestyle perfectly;
  • stay at home moms/mums who are struggling to make any meaningful money running Adsense on their (or their cat’s) personal blog.  This approach will make you real money in the same tiime you are wasting currently;
  • Internet marketers who are struggling with getting their affiliate income to a stable level and need some extra cash – although the book is written assuming you are starting a freelance business part-time around a real-world job, starting it part-time and/or keeping it part-time to fund your passive income websites will work as well. You never know when Google is going to throw a hissy fit and not like your sites anymore – this is a useful second string to your bow – which may well be more palatble,  than getting a dreaded “real job”.

Who Should NOT Buy Freelance Superstar

  • information junkies who have already bought 3 ebooks this week and read none of them. Well if you really want to give me the commission go ahead but really stop with the information overload and work out what you are actually trying to achieve with your business;
  • anyone who loves to dream the big dreams, and never gets around to the real work. Honestly if you can’t make back the cost of the book within your first month you pretty much bone-idle and you have wasted your money.

Just a note. This is not a paid review – I asked Monika for a review copy and she was kind enough to provide me with one. If you click on one of these links and buy the product I will get an affiliate commission. If I hadn’t thought the product delivered on its sale’s pitch and is a realistic way for pretty much anyone to start earning an online income I wouldn’t have reviewed it.And there’s a 30 day money back guarantee – so no risk on your part. Oh and here’s that low-down affiliate link again:

Freelance Writing Online Business

On-Line Income Cash Flow is King

Since February I have been working 3 days a week for a small mineral exploration company. They have some great prospects but as of about a month ago we had to cancel drilling because of the inability to raise money anywhere off or on the stock exchange. My hours were cut from 3 to 2 days a week.


You know what my reaction was? I was pleased that I have more time to work on-line – I’d rather be building my business than trying to look busy at a company who is in trouble for reasons that neither I nor the directors can do a lot about at the moment.

Sure the loss of income just before Xmas when we are about to go on an expensive income and my partner won’t get holiday pay is inconvenient. But I immediately turned around and started replacing that cash flow with freelance writing.

It made me realise that I have so many more options than I had a year ago. I have finally learnt not to be dependent on a employer but discovered, at least to a small degree, how to make money online in a recession.

The trouble with building an online business: it takes time and quite a few skills – its not going to pay the mortgage this month- and maybe not even in 6 months.

So what are the quickest ways to make money in a recession?  Now these aren’t about building a business – this is about money NOW!

  • If you can write you can write articles: and developing this skill will help your online business anyway. Check out Monika’s list of on-line writing resources to get you started;
  • If you have web design or other technical skills you can also get paying work.
  • Sell stuff! Selling on eBay or other online auction sites is a full-time business for many whether you sell the junk in the spare room, haunt the local garage sales, or even drop-ship.

None of  these approaches will build your passive on-line income, you are effectively getting paid for your time but it will give you predictable cash flow NOW rather than in 6 months time – and that can be a very good thing!

BTW the image I loved – but it came via one of those email chains – if anyone can give me a source I’d gladly acknowledge it!

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing Really Taking Off

Is it just me or are there are freelancing writing jobs all over the place at the moment? I just picked up another on-going writing gig. In fact its my first as a “normal” ghost writer ie. I am given that article’s title and write a piece based on the title.

Writers Block
Writers Block

Its a lot easier than coming up with new blog posts all the time and making sure I am not repeating myself or neglecting part of the topic area of the blog!

Again this was a job I got not from advertising or via my under-developed portfolio site. It was someone looking for writers at HubPages. The initial job wasn’t that exciting pay wise but I have since got better paying work from the same person.

Getting paid to produce a service be it writing or something else on the internet is the same as in the real world. If you can prove your ability (in my case I have nearly 100 hubs at HubPages) but possibly even more important prove that you can communicate and deliver then you will get work and you do NOT have to work for 1c/word on the crappy freelance bidding sites.

How do you prove you can deliver:

  • respond promptly and clearly to emails;
  • either accept the job as given or negotiate the price;
  • communicate clearly as to the turn around times and meet them;
  • if there is a problem – let the agency or buyer know – don’t go into your hole and not communicate.

Its not rocket science but I suspect that its done often very badly on the internet. It seems that a lot of writers really have poorly developed business and social skills. You don’t have to be a fantastic Writer to make money freelancing – I am proof of that. You do need to know how to write for your audience and behave professionally and it seems to be paying off for me!

Photo Credit

Blogging Freelance Writing HubPages Online Business

Tips from the First Year On Line

Happy Anniversary!
Originally uploaded by bruno1378

Since my last post on Freelance Writing we have had a quick trip back to New Zealand for the New Zealand Dancesport Championships. This is my anniversary post. Sept 2007 was when we arrived in Perth, Western Australia and decided to stay awhile. We decided that I would try to make an online income to replace my IT salary (US$1000/week round figures) – I gave myself until December to do it – LOL

I know I wrote how my online business was going up until May – yes ignore the date time travel is alive and well on blogs.

March I found a new approach to making money on-line. Wish I could remember how I found it but I found Vic’s Make Money online site around then. He’s responsible for the name of this site because the initial idea was to buy 100 info domains.

Well I set up some sites and waited for Google to index them, and waited, and in fact I’m still waiting. Almost simultaneously info BANS sites fell out of favour with Google. I was a little pissed to say the least – in fact I cried in frustration quite literally. Everything seems to have worked for people last month or last week – but as soon as I touched it poof – gone. I was in no doubt that Vic was explaining how he made money to me – but the search engine’s rules appeared to change every time I tried what was being recommended!

I was pretty very close to giving up then – I was also participating in Vic’s trends blogging contest: where you blog about current news – which did at least make me realize that the trick to getting traffic was to write about something that people were actively searching on – duh! Vic said in one of video posts something that stuck with – “proof of life” – (according to the movie of the same name this is the first thing that hostage negotiators ask for) . So I did my own little experiment. I had already bought a info domain which was the same keyword phrase of my best performing hub page. I knew how many people searched for the phrase – because my hubpage was normally ranked #1 or #2 in Google, I knew it wouldn’t make me a fortune but I just wanted to know I could get my own site on the first page. I put a niche blog on the domain using Court’s Keyword Sniping.

Well it worked. For the last couple of months my site is regularly on page 1 or 2 of the Google results for a number of its keywords. For weeks it alternated from being not indexed to being in the top 10 pages. It seems to have settled down now. It the CPC is rubbish – it will never make me more that $1/day – and its made me nothing to date because I haven’t yet dared put Adsense on it –I want it to be more consistently on page #1 before I do that. I’ve done it I have proven to myself I can get a site indexed and ranked even on an info domain.

I was concentrated on my freelance writing when the other day I got an email saying that eBay had paid me – $10. I went an checked my eBay earnings for the first time in a couple of months and oddly some of those un-indexed BANS sites were getting clicks and a couple had made me a little bit of money. I did further investigation: Google still hated me but Yahoo loves me! And it wasn’t even that sites which I had developed properly – think of the potential if I actually put some more pages on the sites 🙂

So now after a year I can happily report that my actual website online income is about the same as it has been for month. BUT – and its a big but, I definitely feel I am at the end of the beginning at the start of the real beginning … To Be Continued the fun has just started!

Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing PAYS! Me Even!

Well its a curious thing when sometimes something you aren’t looking for suddenly starts working! After months of getting increasingly frustrated with the whole online marketing game an opportunity appeared from left field!

Origami dollar t-shirt
Originally uploaded by Vaguely Artistic

I am on record for saying that content isn’t king
but oddly enough I now have people wanting to pay me for it! Its all Mark Knowles’s fault, he employed me to post regularly on a couple of blogs about luxury destinations and Australasian Property Investment

On the back of finally getting a positive balance in my paypal account I looked again at freelance writing opportunities. I’d initially thought about making money as a writer online but figured out that in Australia I could make more money cleaning than I could by writing for 1c/word which seemed to be the going rate on the well-known freelance writing sites.

I kept looking though and found some other options. I’ve now sold a couple of articles at Constant Content and today had an article accepted at a travel site: so if anyone wants to hire me as a writer please drop me a line!

Free Tools Freelance Writing Tools

Q10: A Retro Text Editor

OK I guess this is kinda going to show my age. I learnt to type on a typewriter: not

Originally uploaded by emsef

even an electric one. I had a PC before there was windows. The first word processor I used was WordPerfect 4.2. What you got with WordPerfect: you got a black screen and a blinking cursor: hit crtl-C to copy ctrl-V to paste and F7 to spell check. Remember?

Well recently I have had a few problems focussing on writing: I typically have a Firefox browser with 6 or 8 or 10 tabs open, several other programs, 5 or 6 documents open, and a directory or 2!

Surfing the internet, while I was supposed to be writing, I found something rather cool: a simple text editor which eliminates distractions – sound familiar? Remember in the old days when you could only run one program at the time: well just like that!

Well Q10 (cryptic – think scrabble) is a back to the future text editor. It is a “full-screen” editor: that’s right no tool bar, no windows bar nothing: just you and a black screen. I am absolutely amazed that it actually does make a huge difference: I do focus better with out see all the other buttons available. The help is on F1, you can still alt-tab to other windows if you need to check another file or web page but it so much less distracting than actually being able to see the tool bar!

It gets better, there is typewriter sound effects too, which I thought I would immediately turn off: but I didn’t because its kinda nice…

There are a couple of versions available: I chose the one with a spell check, but even then the whole download is tiny, you can add the files to a thumb drive and take it with you, in fact you could even fit it on a floppy disk if you could find the matching drive! You can also set the file encoding, a target number of words (handy if you are writing an article), change the font and colour settings, and it supports quick text allowing you to replace given character combinations with whatever you specify. Q10 also creates files in plain text which is really handy if you are uploading to a site which need text or html such as or even for uploading simple files to sites such as Hubpages

Oh and how much is this little marvel cost: zero, ziltch, nada: how cool is that! Download Q10 here