I have been on and off doing full-time Internet Marketing as a way to make a full time living since Oct 2007. As recently as March I made a total of $144 from Adsense and affiliates, April was the first month I made the $100 Adsense payout within a month. In July 2009 I made $1500 from Adsense and Affiliates (what I can passive income) – with my freelance work my income came in at $2800 for the month. Where I’m from, New Zealand, that is about the same sort of money that a junior teacher would be earning – not bad if I do say so myself.
I dunno what full-time income is your part of the world but my definition has always been about US$1000/week – what I could make if I could get a job as a Business Analyst, Test Manager again. I am not there yet – but in March I was ready to quit – now I feel like I’m close to success -my partner finally thinks there is something to this online lark – and I know that once you have the momentum its so much easier to build on it.
The Secret to Making $2000 / Month Online?
Simple self-belief – up until March I wasn’t prepared to believe that I personally could make serious cash online. I wanted it to happen first – then I’d believe it. It doesn’t work like that – I’m not sure why – but I guess if part of your brain still thinks you really should go and get a real job then your actions really not reflect your potential.
My problem was that I have never been a business owner, I couldn’t sell or market and I thought entrepreneurs were losers who couldn’t compromise long enough to get a job (well I was right about that ). I’ve never known anyone in the real world that has the mind-set of going out and taking serious risks and building your own business.
I really didn’t believe that I could make money – so I didn’t – now this is not ‘The Secret” bullshite – believing in money flowing to you doesn’t work – you need a plan and to take action. For me until I really, if not believed that it would happen, couldn’t think of anything better to do, I didn’t take enough action – and that’s the real secret to making money online – massive action.
Step Two Take Massive Action to Earn Income Online

Or at least do something! I talked about taking massive action to make money online recently but the whole Niche Devil controversy kinda sums it up quite nicely. There are those arguing on the sidelines as to whether or not it will work, and then there are those for whom its working.
Some stuff works some doesn’t. Nothing works for ever, the techniques that worked 6 years ago don’t work now. There are short-cuts to finding out what works thanks to services such as The KeyWord Academy – but basically at the end of the day doing the work and monitoring the results will teach you more than just thinking about it!
Now go and build some sites!
53 replies on “How To Make Over $2000 Online”
I remember 2 years back that I first heard the idea of blogging and money – guess what, I did not make any money and I sayed to myself: I won’t make money online, it’s impossible. But I did not stop trying and reading. In my country if I would make 1000$ per month it would be wow! I mean, I’ve been working like a web programmer and I did not get more than 250$, working sometime like 10-11 hours per day, in vein.
Then I realized that you have to work your ass (not literaly), experiment, trial and error, believe that you’re going to make money online and then you may get it, if you don’t give up – this month I’ve made 100$ online and I did nothing – just traveling and wasting time and I realized, hey, this is passive income. If I did 100, I could do 200 and more.
Yes the huge leveller of the Internet – it doesn’t which country you live in you basically get paid the same – and of course if you live in a country pays a developer $250 – you must have a much lower cost of living than I enjoy in Australia – I pay more than that a week in rent 🙂
Yes, the internet money is the same for everybody – basicaly in my country you can afford to travel all around the country (stay in hotels to – a hotel camera here is 25$ per day) for 10 days with no more than 300$, eat, go by trains and so on – almost 1000 km with train cost nearly 10$ or a bit more so it’s easy. Basicaly, getting 1000$ or more from the internet would be something very very cool here.
Full time income 1000$/week?? If I made 1000€/month I could afford yo quit my day job 😀 My living costs are not that low as I live in a country which is quite expensive, but I have learned to get by with very little. I started marketing and have made dimes but I am quite sure that I can get close to (hopefully way over!!) 2000€/month before the end of this year. Good luck in getting that 1000$/week. IMO your goals should be always set to something like 10k/month with internet marketing to get decent results. Ai as high as possible, and you will be glad even if you fall short.
It will be interesting Phillip – The $1000/week is the same for as having a professional job – double it and my partner and I are effectively retired and location independent and earning what we did as well paid professionals LOL. 10k a month – I might get there – but in reality I need the smaller goals to make it seem realistic to me!
July was also my best month by far–I more than doubled my income for June. We will get there eventually as long as we continue to do the work. Passive income is *not* an oxymoron!! My husband is also getting very optimistic. 🙂
Well done Amanda – yeah its really about delayed gratification – you do the work one month and see the result in your bottom line months later. I think I would probably make the same as July if I took August off – but I really want to push through to the next level now 🙂
Great post! I also agree that action is the thing – as well as knowing that, somewhere down the line, it is going to work. Patience is key, which is why so many people fail as they want it easily. I already make enough to cover my living online through active writing work, but I’m going for more all the time. Very inspiring!
.-= Web Career Girl´s last blog ..The Week’s Progress – Fri 31 July =-.
Great post. You’re absolutely right. You have to first make up your mind to earn money and then put some action into it. I cracks me up when folks sit on the sideline saying “it will never work.” Well, if you sit on the sideline and do nothing, of course it won’t work. However, if you work it, it will work for you.
Congrats on your stellar earnings.
.-= Felicia´s last blog ..The Demand Studios Score Card =-.
Well done Lis. You have really come a long way in a short time!
.-= Mike´s last blog ..30 day challenge 2009 starts today =-.
Hi Lis
I live in Puerto Rico and $1500 here is a full time income in fact most people in a day job do not cross the $1000 barrier. Anyone earning $4000 a month is considered rich. Congratulations on your earnings. And shoot for the $4000 a month !
– Archie
.-= Archie@How to Make Money Online´s last blog ..How To Make Money Online Blogging =-.
Awesome stuff, Lis. Very proud of you and you deserve the success. Keep cranking it out!
The new buzz word on the street is “You are now half way to 10 grand a month!”….everyone knows that, right?
Congrats, Lissie. I started when you did, but I’m still in the stuck phase. Your advice to believe that it will work before you do it is probably the best thing I’ve heard so far (other than Griz’s advice to build ugly blogs, LOL). I hope your success continues, and thanks for all you give back to this community.
.-= Lorecee@Work From Home Online´s last blog ..Niche Devil: Pros and Cons =-.
I would say your are well on your way to developing your passive income. If you can learn how to make over $2000 online then you can make much more than that.
I agree it is all about the work and trying things. I think people who aren’t successful do not approach this as a job or a business. For example, if you wanted to be a plumber you would not just fix one toilet and then sit back expecting to be paid every time it was used. No, you would go fix a leaking pipe, and then unplug a drain, and add piping for a kitchen. You would have to work every day to build up your business. It is the same thing with the internet. Keep moving ahead by doing something productive everyday.
Just like plumbers this is not difficult work it is just time consuming. After all, a plumber only needs to know sh*t runs down hill, just like IMers need to know links, links, links.
.-= Agrande with online business opportunities´s last blog ..Make Money Working At Home With An Online Business =-.
July was my best month as well. You’re totally right about delayed gratification. Most of the increase was because of work started in March. Fortunately, I realized early on that building an online income is funny that way so I’ve never considered quitting.
.-= 46and47´s last blog ..How Eating Frogs Makes Internet Entrepreneurs More Productive =-.
I completely understand where you are coming from Lissie. Yesterday was the first time that I said out loud that I wanted to make a full time income from my internet activities. I told my sister that I am aiming to earn a monthly income of £1,000 by the end of December 09. I have admitted out loud that I am not looking to get another a better paid job.
I want to make a good income from my online stuff. I know that I am aiming for quite a high figure but I didn’t think I would achieve 100 hubs in 30 days but I did it, so I am being optimistic about this figure.
Even if I fail, I hope to have fun trying.
.-= Tiptopcat´s last blog ..Adsense Earnings For July 09 =-.
Its a great feeling isn’t it tiptop! I had a call from an ex colleague a few days ago – she was like have you got another job yet (we were both laid off) – I’m like oh uh no actually I wasn’t looking LMAO!
Congratulations! That is very inspiring.
.-= Julie @ Write for eHow´s last blog ..eHow Ebook Author Interview: WriterGig =-.
Goodafternoon Lis,
Every post in your site is very very interesting and especially exciting! “Simle is the most effective”!
Your blog is useful for me, many information help me how to do with my blog, I update your information daily.
I realy want to share your story with my friends, Could I translate some your posts into motherlanguage (Vietnamese, of course that is link to you and your copyright)?
In my country, many people in the age as you not work after
retirement, they don’t know about concept of blogging and make money online. I want to do something useful for my internet socialty.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
.-= David Amxtrong´s last blog ..Hiểu độc giả: Chìa khoá cho Blog thành công =-.
Thanks for asking David – no I am happy if you translating the posts – I’d appreciate a link back. I am pretty sure yours will be the first Vietnamese version of this blog!
For others reading this the translation means that Google won’t see the content as duplicate.
Congratulations! Im really pleased for you
If it wasnt for your site build it review, I wouldnt have found the keyword academy, infobarrel or hubpages, although I had been trying to make money online, I had been going about it all the wrong way and had I not read your review or taken the advice you gave me I would probably still be trying to find a method that might work or even worst paying the $300 for one SBI.
Im not earning yet but Im working every spare minute I have and thanks to you I have found a method that i really can believe works, its so easy to read about other people making money online and think that it wont ever happen for me but lately I have started to believe I can, so it wont happen tomorrow or the next day, but I am determined and reading about your success has inspired me more.
Again congratulations!
Thanks for commenting Alana – thats why I decided to publish this post – I wanted to show people that any old idiot can do this business if they are persistent!
Hey Lis,
Good one on getting your income up to a ‘survivable’ level – mine’s a little under you for my niche sites, although been working recently on getting a few ecommerce sites ranking high and getting some really decent income from them.
Oh, and had to nip over and just check out Caroline Middlebrook’s blog to see how her monthly stats are doing (your post reminded me that back 12-18 months ago she was only just making over 1k a month – but looks as though she’s still Middlebroke – good job I listened to Vic and Grizz when I did – LMAO!
you hit the nail on the head with the mindset comment: if your mind tells you to get a job in the real world, then your actions will reflect upon that in not taking action for your own business.
(or something like that)
You are exactly right. You really have to go “balls to the wall” in order to succeed in generating passive income to the point where you don’t have to rely on “the man” to sign your paycheck every week!
Great thoughts Lis!
.-= Allyn´s last blog ..Nich Devil, Niche Devil, Nitch Devle, Nich Devel Review =-.
Well done Lis! This is an impressive set of figures. I assume that writing on sites such as Hubpages and Infobarrel helps contribute at least a little to this your total? I doubt that I will ever reach that amount as I am rather young, and am starting a very well paid, secure job in an industry which is booming much more than the internet business and so my online money making techniques will continue to be more of a weekend/night hobby type thing. However, it is interesting to note that this is possible, and even if I only work for maybe 20 hours a week on hubs, infobarrels (which you introduced me to!) etc over time I should be able to reach at least $100 a month, which, whilst not a major sum compared with the earnings from my job, it is not insignificant either (and will give me an extra cushion).
.-= Matt Green (Bristolboy)@A little extra money UK´s last blog ..Monthly Update – July 2009 =-.
Hi Matt – most of Adsense income still comes from Hubpages and inforbarrel is starting to show promise. Matt if you are happy in your secure job then seen Allyn’s comment above – you probably won’t need this income enough to really work it. I’ve either always had a secure job or in demand skills – that wasn’t my point for leaving the paid workforce – I was just bored and burnt out – maybe its just be but I came to really, really resent organising my life around my job – I work longer hours now – but they are my hours 🙂
Hi Lis
Very happy to tell you that:
I have just posted your great story on my blog.
I think that is very useful post to my friends in my country.
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
.-= David Amxtrong´s last blog ..Tôi đã kiếm hơn 2.000 Đôla trên mạng như thế nào? =-.
Hi Lis
I know how you felt in March – there seems like a lot of work to do for no return for a long time. I’ve had quite a turn around in July (in a good way!) and am hoping for the growth to keep going! The momentum thing certainly gives you new inspiration. It seems like you had quite a quick turnaround from wanting to quit to $1500 a month in 3 months. What were the biggest factors/changes you made other than self belief? And by massive action what were the changes you made? I hope I’m not being too nosey!
Cheers, Chloe
.-= Chloe @ Ben 10 Toys´s last blog ..VTech Kidizoom Digital Camera Review =-.
I wrote an awful lot of hubs, I got some well-paid freelance work so I paid for more content to be written for me so I didn’t get bogged down in very boring topics.
Hi Lis
Thanks for the detail. So do youthink outsourcing is the way to go? There is so much to do but I’m loathe to spend money that I’ve not earned yet on getting other people to do stuff. I guess though you have to spend money to earn money – it’s just a hard mental leap to take. In my former life I found that getting other people to do things just ended up being more of a headache and taking longer than doing it myself.
Do you outsource anything other than content creation?
Cheers, Chloe
.-= Chloe @ Ben 10 Toys´s last blog ..Mega Bloks Magnext Battle Strikers – 10 Things Every Parent Needs To Know =-.
So far Ive only outsourced some writing but I am about to outsource my bookkeeping – because I hate it so much! One of the reasons it took me a long time to become self-employed was because I worked for an entrepreneur years ago who worked longer hours for less pay than any of those he employed – if you outsource you have to be able to delegate as well -if you just end up redoing the job yourself its a waste of time and money. Time is quite literally money and time is the only thing you can’t get back but I don’t outsource the important stuff e.g. keyword research.
Oh bookkeeping that would be the only thing I didn’t outsource – give me numbers any day over words! Prior life = accountant!
Time is the key isn’t it. I’ll go back to my outsourcing ponderings. Thanks for the info.
Cheers, Chloe
.-= Chloe @ Ben 10 Toys´s last blog ..G.I Joe Toys – The Rise Of Cobra – 10 Things Every Parent Needs To Know =-.
i couldn’t sleep last night so i decided to get up and surf the net for fun instead of doing keyword research or writing. i remembered i wanted to come by and check out your site and wow!
“not believing,” i think has been my biggest problem. even though i’ve decided to forgo looking for a 2nd job, as my 1st just barely pays the bills (and forget about extras like food…), i have felt all this guilt whenever i’m working on my online business. i feel like i should be out pounding the pavement looking for “real” work.
thank you so much for this post!
A very insightful post, although you said its not to do anything about the “secret” bullshit but you have to agree that you have to start believing first and then things happen,doubt is the root cause of all the failures, moreover you need to be very passionate about this business if you are not passionate enough forget it , you will end up frustrated.I liked that you now having identified your mental block now you will be able to overcome it.All the best!!!
$2000 is great lis. Congrats to you, from there on it should be a fast rise to bigger profits. I find the hardest part in internet marketing, to be constantly doing something new AND keep up with your old projects. Since it takes time to get ranked,you have to have your fingers in many pies at the same time, so to speak. Good luck with your projects!
How many hours did you devote to your websites when starting out and after that on average per day or week?
Good on you, Lis! I wonder: was there a feeling or event that preceded your mindshift?
There’s the (un)conventional wisdom: “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” or “when the price for remaining the same becomes too steep, we change”… and I just wonder if it was anything like that in your experience?
KUTGW… keep up the good work… saw that today and had to google it… thought I’d save you the effort… 😉
Hey that’s great. There’s a remarkable increase in your income from April to July itself. We heard actions speak, and you have shown it. You took massive actions and you got massive money. Focus is really important, if you are not going to give full attention it wont pay you back, and the moment you focused and start taking steps, it paid enormously well. Thanks for sharing your experience and motivating us 🙂
Hey Lis. I’ve been trying to get some comment rss feed to read you from google reader, through comments, do you have one?
I’m very glad I’ve found you and Ben K, because you seem like very ambitious persons and I hope making some full income online sometime. The fact was that I consider that making money online was simple, but now I realize that’s all about ambition. I see myself sometime even working for a day long (24 hours) and only getting a dollar per day and I realize that instead of getting out from the game, I learn a lot and understand why I fail. In fact seeing Ben K and yours success, I’ve realized that I can’t gave up, altough I don’t make more money online, I have to make something every day, in order to see the results and learn.
There’s a box below the comment form alex where you can subscribe to comments and then you get email some leaves a comment. Not sure how to do a rss for comments- I’ll investigate.
Honestly I believe the only way NOT to make money in this game Alex is to give up – or not work!
Great post Lis. It’s really interesting about momentum. When you first start, you make peanuts — we’ve all been there. It seems almost impossible to make any real money. But you keep doing something, fumbling around and then it clicks. And once you’ve got your momentum going, man, it freaking comes. The money starts as a trickle then becomes a flood. I think a lot of it has to do with the confidence — you KNOW you can make money, all it is is just the work. And once you figure out how to make money online (for real), something clicks and you can just make money. Strange.
For example, I start another “side” experiement (100-300 self hosted adsense snipers in 2 months) mid way through last week to test some new ideas for another (yes, I have 3 going on at the same time now) making money experiment. Day 4 into it and I’m already making an additional 18-25 bucks a day just with handful of my new adsense sniper blogs.
So, moral of the story, work hard, don’t give up, and WORK HARD — results will come.
Got it in one Ben – its all about confidence – the day I realised Icould make money online: not Vic or Grizz or even that crazy Ben – but me/myself/I could PERSONALLY make money – I stopped being a dream and became a business plan!
I hired an accountant yesterday – and looking thru the figures I was actually surprised just how much I had made last year – the peanuts did in fact add up to 5 figures in local currency and b) how much of that was made in June (the last month of the tax year in Australia).
Now my problem is focus – I have so many ideas about how I can grow this business 🙂
I’m having a terrible time remembering the url of your site, one time I wrote a note and took with me to work reminding me to check the computers history at work that I used when I found your site, and write it down.
I’ve seen another blogger that has site called NomadicMatt complain that his beginners mistake was to use his name in the url, because no one would find him via search engines other than those who knew him already. As a user I think you’ve made the same mistake, thought you’d appreciate hearing my complaint/comment.
oh just google my name – it comes up! Yes I agree it wasn’t the perfect name for the blog – I used it long before I knew much about SEO
Great information Liz. It is so hard to make money online, I am learning that but I am making some slowing and getting a little faster by the day.
.-= kristie´s last blog ..Eating Utensils for the handicap and elderly =-.
I am all about reading/learning instead of doing. But I guess that is how I found your site! I don’t even know what hub pages are – I will have to read all about it. 🙂
.-= Barbara´s last blog ..What will we write about? =-.
Liz this is awesome to see you making such a gigantic leap 🙂
You have blown by me, this sort of motivation is what i need thanks.
.-= ask Goldfish Care´s last blog ..Changing the water =-.
Wow, Lis, glad to hear things have really lined up for you! Keep up the great work with the online income, and keep us informed on the blog. It’s always great to hear when one of the good guys makes it. I just made my first $100 month on AdSense this month, so maybe by Christmas I’ll be smiling as much as you 🙂
Shane “Master” Dayton
.-= Master Dayton@Freelance Writing Online Blog´s last blog ..Start Freelance Writing Now! =-.
I love that you encourage people to take a massive step of action and just start working to make money online. It’s amazing how people (I’m not innocent) fall into the trap of just reading, reading, reading without taking the steps to actually start making money. I’m all about educating yourself along the well via reading great sites like this, but the most learning I feel comes from doing it yourself.
.-= Captain eHow Earnings´s last blog ..Early September eHow Earnings – Work To Be Done =-.
To make that much money online you would definitely need some start up money for domains, etc., but you could probably do it. thanks for this title…
The best advise I could give is: follow your dream even when it looks like ‘it will never happen’ . Don’t fall into pattern and accept changes when they come your way.
People have to start with an action. Talking about it will earn you nothing. You don’t get on your way to earning $2000 a month or even $20 a month until you actually get started. Once you do, the only way is up so you keep climbing.
i came across your site.
I have maintained some sites, and i gave up last year :(.
I did design it myself because i am a web developer :).
May i know the first step or action i need to obtain if i would like to start to build an online income.
thanks in advance and looking forward your reply.