This is the second part of my Keyword Academy Case Study series – if you missed the initial post you can check it out here.
Keywords are everything in this business – start with the wrong keywords you will fail – I can prove that – been there done that – either failed to rank the site at all – or got to #1 – only to discover no money in the keyword!
I have my own take on keywords – the Keyword Academy videos focus on looking for products – but personally I prefer services.

Will I reveal the niche or the site. No – sorry not going to happen. The reasons why are quite simple:
- if I reveal the site people will help by sending me links – invalidating the experiment;
- if I actually start making bucket loads of cash from this site – I will suddenly have a whole lot more competition!
So no hard feelings – I will tell you this about the niche:
- its a 3 word phrase describing a business need;
- its a service that businesses pay good money for;
- its nothing at all to do with Internet Marketing or Making Money Online
- its not something I know a whole lot about – yet – but its something I have some interest in – I will become absolutely fascinated in it if starts making me a regular income!
According to the Keyword Academy tools:
- it has 3600 exact searchs a month
- an Adsense cost per click of $11.35
- a “difficulty” of 200
- potential income $204 (month) from Adsense – but more on that later…
- and the top four sites are all PR3 – they consist of a double listing from a relevant directory, and 2 relevant businesse neither of which use my keyword phrase in their ranked urls.
According to Lissie’s approach to keyword approach
- the top 4 sites are all old 10 years plus. In fact the only site on page 1 which is younger than 4 years old – – which is a few months old.
- sites in position 3 and 4 may like to buy my site for a tidy sum if it starts to affect their own ratings – I could also offer advertising to them if I was outranking them – cut out the middle man of Adsense (Google) and save them money and make me more. With a CPC of $11.35 I should be getting as an Adsense publisher about 1/3 of that – so there is quite a lot of potential upside to direct sell to the advertiser.
- there are a bunch of very,very low (definition ezinearticles or hubpages in the first 4 positions) low tails related to this keyword. Google claims there is not traffic but I don’t believe it – the phrases make sense – this site has a lot more potential for $204 “official” estimate.
Registering the Right Domain
My preferred domains are gone:
- – is parked at
- are parked at
- is ranking #7 as noted above – with 14 Yahoo backlinks, no PR, 14 pages indexed.
Exact matches aren’t part of the TKA approach but in my experience they work wonderfully – unfortunately this not finding the exact match available is a common situation. The ranking of the dot org also however tells me having some keywords in the domain is going to help a fair bit.
Because I am looking in future at maybe either selling the site or selling advertising direct on the site I am avoiding all other domain TLDS (biz, info etc) – credibility is key here and com has it in spades. Because most of the money appears to be in the US for this business I am looking for a US domain name
I am not doing hyphens for the same reasons as above.
Looking at extra words to add I found I could register – where the prefix is also part of a long-tail – think if I was after green widgets and new green widgets was a related keyword I got the domain which is
Costs: $7.67 – domain registration (Godaddy using discount code emma30 )
Hosting: free as I already have a Hostgator reseller ($5-$7 for others)
For more on choosing the right domain name check out this video from the Market Samurai people
Next time I am going to talk about the details of getting links with Postrunner.