Are you reading this because you are tired of working for the “man”, never seeing your kids until late at night, juggling bills and worrying about where the next car repayment is coming from? Would you like to be younger, sexier, attract fast cars and pretty women? Well I have the answer for you – but you have to ACT NOW!

Sorry – thought that might get your attention! Look lets me honest here – I make money from this blog and the most successful marketing I do is for the The Keyword Academy. Why is it successful ? Well I manage to con people into signing up for the $1 free trial by offering to refund their dollar if they don’t like it – and then people find its a great program and they keep on paying the monthly membership for the site. I get a commission on those monthly subscriptions. All affiliates work the same Third Tribe Marketing, Scribe SEO – the lot. The difference is that most affiliates people cancel after a few months – which is crap for your passive online income!
You see people who enrol in TKA stay enrolled for months and months and months. Long past the initial keyword video course – much longer than can be justified just on a montly webinar or two – so why is the Keyword Academy membership so “sticky”? They stay enrolled quite simply because they consider themselves to be getting value for money – and those that are doing the work are getting far more actual real measurable value from the program than the $33/month they pay for it.
Long Term Value of The Keyword Academy
Well I don’t know about the others who are long-time members of TKA – but I’d welcome your comments below. But my reasons for staying has come down to:
- their guest posting system which allows me to easily get links for my sites;
- their guest posting system which allows me to receive free unique content to some of my sites;
- their niche refinary tool which allows me to easily analyse keyword income potential and competition;
- the forum allows me to compare results and react to changes in the Google world – more heads are definitely better than one sometimes.
Cost to Start a Passive Income Business Using The Keyword Academy
So what are the chances of making money actually using the TKA “system”?. What will it cost you to start a niche site using the TKA system?
Enrol in TKA – cost $1 free
Research keywords using TKA tools – free
Buy a domain at (use the code emma30 to get 30% off dot coms) $8.99
Buy Hosting – I still recommend Hostgator (around $7/month for unlimited domain hosting)
Setup WordPress (free) as recommended on TKA and start writing keyword focussed articles for your site. (5 to 10 say). (BTW if this scares you the TKA guys will help you set up the first site as well).
Write and submit an article a day to the TKA guest posting system continue for 3/4 months
In around 5/6 months you should be ranking on page 1 and getting passive income from Adsense or whatever other approach you have taken to making money on the site.
Lets say the your site has the potential to make $50/month in Adsense.
If it takes you 6 months to rank in first place for your main keyword – that will have cost you:
Domain registration 50% x $7.99 = $4
Hosting: $7 x 6 months = $56
TKA $1 plus 5x$33 = $166
Total costs: $226
Total revenue – if you follow the TKA model you should be looking at least $50/month from your site – so it will take less than 5 month’s earnings to cover the sunk costs.
The figures for your second and subsequent sites are even better. For you next site:
Domain 50% x $7.99 = $4
Hosting – paid already
TKA – paid already
Total costs (per 6 months ) – $4 – around the cost of cake and a coffee in my part of the world – your mileage may vary.
So After a Year Your Business May Look Like
If you start 10 sites and after 12 months you are earning $50/site the figures are:
Revenue: 10 x $50 x 12 = $6000
Less domain registration 10 x $7.99 = $79
Less Hosting 12 months x $7 = $84
Less TKA membership 11 months x $33 = $363
Profit: $5390
Time commitment:
- initial site setup -takes me about an hour – it will take you longer the first time
- then an ongoing requirement – write and post an article a day for each site: 10x 300 words about 2.5 hours a day at my fairly rapid typing speed – probably just time you spend watching rubbish on TV now.
You don’t have to do this forever for a site – only until its solidly in the top position – that may take 6 months, more or less – this is a business not a job – its not guaranteed – but you’d have to agree there is a fair margin of error in the above figures..
Could You Use an Extra $5000 ?
It took me over 2 years to learn the stuff I just wrote in this post. Before TKA the information was scattered. Before the guest posting system in TKA it was a considerable struggle to find places to post backlinks. There was always the doubt that what you were doing may or may not work. This works – its not exciting or sexy or even very interesting, but it will earn you money. And you know what? I have sites ranking at #1 for which I haven’t touched in months and months, which I haven’t built a link for in months. They still earn me the same amount of money …
I could rave on about how TKA has changed my life – its true – but frankly it would sound too much like one of those cheesy sales letters that I hate! Frankly you just read over 900 words about making money online – you obviously have some interest. The real question is are you ready to stop dreaming and take some action? Dreaming is great – but it won’t make you money.
So click the bloody affiliate link NOW and signup – and stop dreaming and reading about making money online and actually <<<<make some money>>>>> (that’s the link!)!
41 replies on “Shameless Advertisement for The Keyword Academy! Hurry Time Running Out!”
Good and detailed promo. If not for my so many other commitments, I would surely have signed up for this long ago. Even just as an ordinary subscriber to the KA blog, I get good stuffs from them.
For example, they let me download one of their recently held webinar for free. Though I can’t ask questions, just listening to it was a lesson on it’s own.
That’s what I call COOL!
Yup them have been doing webinars for non-members which probably offer more value than some paid sites! Its always a balance isn’t it trying to find the time for everything we do online !
For me, the main draw of TKA is the ease with which I can get persistent, ethical, anchor text links. It feels good not having to link spam blog comments, forums and profile pages on high PR membership sites.
Part of this link building is through the guest posting system, as has been mentioned in this post. But there are other link building resources available as well, so many that I don’t have time to use them all.
Hi Lissie,
I am a fan of your blog and I finally took the plunge and sign up through your link. I took a tour of the site and have already use the keyword tool and the guest posting system. I like it so far and will stay will it. Thanks for letting us know about the price hike. At least now I wouldn’t kicking myself when they raise the prices in the future.
One question. Is the forum only available after the $1 trial because I can’t assess it?
Hey this is getting the lurkers commenting too -that’s way cool. Aaron which version did you sign up for – there is the $29/month without forum or $33 with forum (the green button not the blue button) – it could be you inadvertantly clicked the non-forum one? If you signed up for the with forum option you definitly should have access. Double check whether the subscription in your Paypal is @ $29 or $33 – that will tell you. If you are in the non-forum version but wanted the $33 the quickest thing is to email support @ and ask them what to do (tell them Lissie sent you!)
Hi Lis, I signed up for the $33 membership. I will email the acedemy about this issue. Thanks for the reply!
did you notice that there is a fairly small login box at the top right of the forum screen – bascially if you are not logged in you can see the threads but not click on them – the login is top right – and it does log me out from time to time – just double check you are logged in there as well.
Sorry to bother you again Lis but I still can’t get into the forum. I have checked that I am logged in but still can’t assess it. I have also emailed TKA but no response so far.
Really love to get into the forum coz there seem to be a goldmine of info there!
sent you an email Aaron!
Thanks for the hard sell Liz, I think you finally got me to plunk down my $1. What can I say I’m stubborn when it comes to membership fees. 🙂
Hell – I did???? Hope you come back and let us know what you think whether you or not you decide to stay in
I’m pretty firm with comitments, I’m pretty sure I’ll stick around. 🙂 I’ll have to try the GPS and see how adicted to it I become… and yes, I am a solid lurker as you noted above. 🙂
I’m too lazy to follow the TKA plan and I’m well aware of how it all works. I guess I’m not as enthusiastic about making money passively as other people since I already don’t work for living. 🙂
Fair point RT! Yeah well being retired on pleasent Asian beach can really stuff up your desire to work 20 hours a day! Its my gaol 🙂
I didn’t signed up for KA before but their guest posting system seems like a good addition and well worth the subscription fee so I’ve signed up from your link. Thanks for the heads up on the projected price rise!
Good one Janet – I hadn’t thought to pitch it to the old hacks like you too! Yup the guest posting system had its moments early on but its working well now.
WOW! The tools that KA provides are awesome and I already have a guest post published. So glad you pointed me there Lis.
Cool Janet – glad you are enjoying it!
There’s no doubt that the TKA system for making money online works. Those guys know there stuff and are great at teaching it. Hopefully you get a lot of sign-ups from this post Lissie. You deserve it!
Thanks Trent – this marketing shite still doens’t come naturally!
Argh, bad timing for me. I planned to sign up in a few months time when I’d have time to focus on (and indeed intend to) make money online. $67 doesn’t sound as reasonable as $33, but I don’t have the money to spare now. What to do? :-s
You might have a few weeks grace but certainly not months Rob!
I wonder if they don’t shoot themselves in the foot with the price rise, long term I mean. From $33 to $67 means the price will double. Whilst it will get some people to sign up now, I wonder how much their conversion rate is at the new price. Just my thoughts, SY
In terms of value of the tools provided hospitalera they are still charging less than comparable tools
Hello Lissie,
Just joined through your affiliate link. I hope everything has worked out fine. I’m writing my introduction post right now. See you on the inside!
If I signed up for the trial now and then quit… Would I be forced to pay the doubled price later? 🙁
Of course Anon! Frankly if you only intend to sign up to quit – don’t waste your time
I have been with TKA before they opened their doors. (18 months). I will never leave. The value you will get if your serious about earning an online income and implement what you learn will completely blow away anything you have ever done.
It is a tested and proven step by step method.
In the last year the benefits of being a member have increased easily by 1000%.
Mark, Court and all the members give you what you need to have success.
Now the ball is in your hands!
Hmm, I’ve been curious about this for a while, although was hesitating, since I’m not a newbie and am making some money (though not as much as I’d like yet). I didn’t want to pay for a bunch of info I already know. But now I see it’s not only for complete beginners, & I don’t want to pay $67/month, so I’ll give it a try (through your link of course!). For $1 to begin with, I can’t lose really.
Just curious – do you have any concerns about exposing your niches to other marketers by using TKA’s backlinking systems? (yes, I’m paranoid lol)
Yup I’m a little paranoid too! I sometimes use it to rank second tier sites rather than my main site directly. Franklly if you are using a combo of experience and tools you are miles ahead of people who don’t yet have a feel for the business but who are just following instructions. Also their keyword competition tool really does give pepole more keywords than they know what to do with!
One of the nice thing about the guest posting system is that its entirely anonymous – your user name is not associated with your article – so if the site has privacy on it there is no way the site owner can know who is submitting
Sounds good. Just joined – my username on the forum is catnip. Have decided to put my affiliate stuff on hold for a bit and just focus on this method for the next few weeks, & hopefully get my adsense earnings over the ’embarrassing’ level lol
Cool – I’m lissie of course “on the other side” – intersting thing is although they focus on Adsense exclusively first up – you can always swap in affiliate or other monetization later on. The method is albout getting traffic – once you have the traffic of course the monetization is the next game!
I’m so glad that I found you. TKA is the most informative “how to make money on the internet” resource I have found.
Thanks! (Virtual hug.)
Glad you are having fun in there Jim!
OK Lissie, you silver tongued devil.
I’ve been meaning to sign up for this for a while to check it out, and this is a good incentive.
I’ll be keeping my eye on you in the forums to keep you honest 🙂
Eric G.
Oh-OH – what have I done Eric LOL BTW you got in just before the price rise – going up on the 6 April – from the backlog of email and comments I just got back to – gee can’t a girl take a few days off and not come back to email overload!
[…] did warn you that The Keyword Academy was increasing their price! Well the bad news is that I was right – the worse news is that the price is going up on […]
I have used keyword academy and found it very helpful and have made some money with it.
Hi Lis, thanks for the great blog – I always learn something when I read your material. I feel like Im in the same place you were 3 years ago, even down to the fact that Im a Wellingtonian now living in Perth! Spooky. I’m your latest signee to the Keyword Academy and in the first few hours I’ve already learnt enough to realise a subscription is well worth the expense! Hopefully I can emulate your success and tell you all about it.
Hey no kidding! I still miss the beach at Scarborough – 28C there today though – pretty chilly for Jan! Really glad you are enjoying TKA – yeah it really does work if you put the effort in! Looking forward to progress reports
Even though a lot of the information inside these different “IM training” sites can be found around the net for free I honestly believe they are worth their weight in gold to anyone who is genuinely interested in taking the next step to really making money online.
No need to be a lifelong member (unless affiliate commissions are taking care of your monthly fee 😉 ), but at least a few months really going through all the material and learning the foundation of good keyword research will do them wonders.