OK so its been two months since I did the last Keyword Academy Case Study update!
Postrunner Articles Live
Since the 6 May I’ve published another 13 articles – with five sent but not yet published – so yes most of them have been published in the last couple of weeks! However I now have some regular writers on board so I will hopefully get a more consistent number of articles published this month!

Rankings As of 2 August 2010
Rankings on (2 June | 30 April ,14 April 2010 in brackets | 8 April 2010)
18 pages indexed in Google (24, 26, 15 |13 pages)
13 backlink recognized in yahoo (13,13 ,6,1, 0)
domain name exact match long-tail: 8 (12, 14, 17 | 17)
main keyword:14 (21, 17, 34 | 61)
main keyword singular: 12 (19 ,19 , 31 | 61)
Sorry I’ve stuffed up the tracking of the cousins – to the point I can’t remember which was which LOL. Suffice to say that they have all improved since 2 June and are now all on page 3 or 2.
Note about the rankings – as I am still only getting trickle traffic – according to scroogle.org I am 14th for my exact match domain name and 22 for my main keyword – or in other words my rankings are hardly stable. So more backlink building for me!
So I guess the overall message here – is its hard to stuff this up – if you miss a week or a month – don’t quite, give up, or (shock, horror) look for a job. Just get on with getting more links LOL
What is the Competition Up to?
Tiffany updated about a month ago her Keyword Academy Case Study
9 replies on “Keyword Academy Case Study 4 Month Update”
Hi Lis, nice to read your new post, been reading your blog for a while and discovered it while reading the blog of Griz (he has no post for several months now by the way).
Been learning a lot from your previous post, specially knowing the truth of the kind of work it takes to get you there. I joined Keyword Academy last month which, in one way or the other has brought me here (LOL). The system really works anyway and am on my way promoting my 3rd niche site.
I’ll be moving now, have to write some articles, still can’t afford to outsource them, I’d appreciate if you could give me your username in hubpages, I’m more than willing to ride the bandwagoon of your fan list (LOL).
Hi Rudy – sure – my “public” hubpage profile is http://hubpages.com/profile/Lissie
Thanks Lis, now I’m following you at hubpages….
Hey Lis,
I haven’t been a member of the KA for quite some time so I’m not totally familiar with the postrunner system. It sounds like a form of guest posting on multiple blogs but managed from the one system, am I right?
Good luck with all the article writing. Internet Marketing is so glamorous isn’t it. LOL
Tracey 🙂
That’s right tracey- its a custom developed WP front end that allows you to chose which blog to post to – you can also add your own blogs to the system. I wrote a couple of tutorials on it !
I decided that it wasn’t worth crippling my site doing only postrunner links so I stopped the case study. I got other top links like ezine, hubpages, and some related sites… I knew PRN-only would work it was just a matter of time. All of that said, it is #4 for the main keyword.
[…] I saw green (meaning rankings had improved) almost everywhere. Now whether the links I build with Postrunner or the more recent links I’ve built with Build My Rank I didn’t really care. The […]
Just wondering if you have an update on how Keyword Academy is helping you still, if at all? Will you write another ‘case study’ post? Thanks,
Jason – case studies are a lot of work – so no probably won’t do a new one – the site that this one was based on has been #1 for its main kw for months and is on page 1 for a lot of related terms – its made over $900 so far this year