Lis Sowerbutts
Online Marketing - Websites - eBooks

I'm a WordPress geek that considers a website a means to an end - rather than just a thing of beauty. I combine my background in SEO and digital marketing with my technical knowledge of WordPress to make websites that actually earn their keep.
This website has seen it all - so if you dig too deep you'll find some inconsistencies, poor spelling and bad language! It is what it is.
Recent Posts
Self Publishers of New Zealand – Indie Authors Doing It For Themselves
I went to Tauranga on the weekend – but I didn’t take these pictures. While my partner gallivanted around the beaches and cafes of the pretty Bay of Plenty town, I sat in a conference room at the Kickstart conference organized by OceanBooks and TheStoryBridge. Yeah I know – I’m never at home! Last month Sydney, this month Tauranga […]
Read MoreFast Kindle Cash – How Sales Letters Deceive
I get a bit of spam in the Self-Publishing Community I started over on G+. This one looked familiar though – I’d already seen it before. So before I review Fast Kindle Cash – and point out how much of a scam it is, let’s cut to chase. So you want to: Rank Your Book #1 in […]
Read MoreWriting Organisations and Local Networking In New Zealand
I have two long and half-finished posts on how to self publish in 37 easy steps, or they may in fact be my next book. Anyways they are a mess and not fit to be seen at the moment – maybe in a few days! Instead, today I want to talk about networking, in specific […]
Read MoreMy Other Businesses
DIY Publishing Ltd
A partnership with designer Kris Locket - we turn manuscripts into print and eBooks.
Travel Books
I've been travelling for 30+ years. I write non-fiction travel books which emphasize the practical and alternative.