I previously posted about using Twitter for backlinks and I thought it might be time to do a bit of an update.
I still am not terribly convinced by twitter – but I still get do-follow backlinks from my twitwall – so why not? I also find it quite a good place to keep all my actual legit blogs linked to in one place – there are one or two deluded souls (usually related to me who) who ask me what I do all day playing online so I can point them in that direction.
I haven’t been convinced yet of the value of Twitter for building my passive income online business. I have however just found a twitter ap which may be about to change all that.
Photo Credit:Tees for Twits
I only started using Twitter to follow Vic @ Bloggerunleashed random live chats – he twits before a chat. A couple of months ago I started following people I knew from other forums or whose blogs I liked. I still wasn’t that impressed.
Twitter For Breaking News
Then I started doing some trends blogging with my Australia News blog. Then I found a use for twitter – I knew about the airplane that ditched in the Hudson about 3 minutes after it happened – it was a tweet. I saw a tweet about a $100k job to work on a Queensland Island job The first post I wrote on the subject got 200 visitors in one day. The job applications don’t close until the end of February so I am expecting long-tail traffic on this one for some time.
So twitter stayed -as an information source – but I still didn’t like it for promotion – I just don’t get that much traffic from tweets and I and the links to them on my Twitter Profile were NOT do-follow, and I am the only one who actually like to read the url before I click it rather than just like a junky shortened url?
TwitWall is the answer to my problem with twitter – the limit of 140 characters. I find it way too limiting – and yes I hate SMS on cellphones to, call me luddite if you want 🙂
TwitWallFor Backlinks
So I get to talk more on TwitWall
I get to include anchored links which are DO-FOLLOW.
I get to add photos which can be useful for a bit of traffic too.
The downside – people – who click my tweet will go to the twitwall and will need to click again to actually come to my blog – so they may not come!
At the moment I am using a combination of twitwall and normal tweets.